Erosion Risk by Grazing Intensity and Frequency in Rangelands Under Four Management Conditions in the Mexican Altiplano




multivariate analysis, desertification, intensity of defoliation, defoliation periodicity


Rangelands are feeding sites for livestock through spontaneous vegetation. In the Mexican highlands, 95% of the ejidos (common land) and 80% of private ranches have recorded severe and widespread overgrazing of their grasslands. Thus, the  objective  of  the  present  study  is to  try  to  reverse  it by  comparing how grazing intensity and frequency of various animal species impact the rangeland conditions and the inherent degree of risk of erosion in four livestock production units adjacent to each other in the same shared rangeland site but with dif ferent individual use. An ejido, a private ranch grazed by sheep for more than 60 years, and two portions of another private ranch were compared, one excluded from grazing for more than 10 years and the other one used by cattle for beef production. For each production unit, its structural and functional vegetation attributes and current soil cover were evaluated through four transects with the quadrat method centered on a point. With a completely randomized experimental design, the basal diameter results of the present perennial plants were analyzed according to their forage quality, and the bare soil portions were covered with vegetation, mulch, feces and stones. Furthermore, a multivariate analysis ordered and classified a matrix of 16 vegetation and soil variables evaluated ×16 transects studied to determine the rangeland condition and inherent erosion risk degree. The sections were excluded and destined for grazing with cattle on the private ranch recorded the best range condition and the lowest risk of erosion. The botanical composition of origin identical in the four production units is already dif ferent, and various forage plants no longer exist either in the ejido or in the sheep ranch due to their low tolerance to grazing.


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Author Biography

Luis Octavio Negrete-Sánchez, UASLP

IAZ por la FAyV de la UASLP, MCA por la misma facultad, y Doctor en Ciencias Ambientales en el área de RNR por los PMPCA de la UASLP. Colaboré 22 años en el INEGI; de 2017 a 2019 fui profesor asignatura en la FAyV de la UASLP; catedrático del posgrado en PA de la misma facultad. Además, impartí docencia de 2017 a 2019 en la FCA y a distancia durante 2019 en la CARHS de la UASLP. De agosto a octubre de 2019 fui PTC y director del Campus Charcas de la Universidad Intercultural de San Luis Potosí. Del 1 de noviembre de 2019 a la fecha soy PITC adscrito al IIZD y la FAyV de la UASLP, e imparto las asignaturas: “Manejo de Recursos de Zonas Áridas” y “Sistemas de Producción Pecuaria Sustentables” en el PE de IA; “Manejo de Pastizales” y “Rehabilitación de pastizales” en el PE IAZ; “Forrajes y Manejo de Agostaderos” en el PE de MVZ. Asimismo, participo en el “Taller de Producción de Forrajes” de IAZ; además, imparto y coordino las cátedras “Manejo de Agostaderos” y “Sistemas de Aprovechamiento de Recursos Bióticos” en los posgrados de la misma Facultad. Desde 2009 he realizado investigación con respecto al aprovechamiento de recursos naturales renovables en la alimentación de pequeños rumiantes, y en ecología y manejo de agostaderos en unidades de producción privadas y sociales del altiplano potosino-zacatecano, para tratar de detener y revertir el principal problema ambiental del país, la desertificación de los agostaderos comunales.




How to Cite

Delgado-Padierna, A. Q., Negrete-Sánchez, L. O., Rendón-Huerta, J. A., García-López, J. C., Lee-Rangel, H. A., Álvarez-Fuentes, G., & Castro-Rivera, R. (2024). Erosion Risk by Grazing Intensity and Frequency in Rangelands Under Four Management Conditions in the Mexican Altiplano. REVISTA TERRA LATINOAMERICANA, 42.



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