SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Gustavo Adolfo; ACEVES-RUIZ, Ernesto; APARICIO-JUÁREZ, Angélica; GUERRERO-RODRÍGUEZ, Juan de Dios; OLVERA-HERNÁNDEZ, José Isabel; HERNÁNDEZ-SALGADO, José Hilario; ÁLVAREZ-CALDERON, Norma Marcela. Chemical fertilization and inoculation with Azospirillum and mycorrhizal fungi in tomato crop under greenhouse conditions. REVISTA TERRA LATINOAMERICANA, [S. l.], v. 41, 2023. DOI: 10.28940/terra.v41i0.991. Disponível em: https://terralatinoamericana.org.mx/index.php/terra/article/view/991. Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.